Thursday, November 29, 2007
Dinner Conversation
Matt: What was the best part of your day, Madeleine?
Madeleine: Playing outside at preschool.
Me: Who did you play with outside?
Madeleine: Aiden. He's my friend.
Long pause
Madeleine: Mommy, which one is Aiden? Did he wear the green shirt?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Getting ready for Christmas!!
Madeleine started asking to put up the tree on Friday so Saturday we put up our christmas tree -- and in record time, too! We have a wonderful pre-lit tree (I love this, since the lights were always my job!) so all we really have to do is fluff and decorate! Madeleine wanted to help with the ornaments, so I made 2 piles -- the breakable (for me) and the plastic (for her). It took her about 3 minutes to put hers on the tree then she started in on mine! :) I was racing to get mine up and hanging them as fast as I could. It took all of 20 minutes for us to finish! I usually like to do this slowly since each ornament is special and has memories with it. This year, it was fun explaining them to her as we unpacked them, she was especially taken with a little glass angel that my mom bought me when I wasn't much older than Madeleine. It's one of my first christmas memories -- going to a christmas open house at a store with my mom and getting to pick out that little ornament and this year Madeleine hung it on the tree. It made me realize that she'll probably have some memories of this christmas that will be with her forever. So, I'm determined to make this year amazing!
Monday morning when she woke up the first thing she said to me was, "mommy, I really really want it to be christmas." How sweet. She also keeps asking for me to tell her the "Santa Story" which is how Santa brings the toys down the chimney, etc. She LOVES the tree and it MUST be lit up as soon as we walk in the door! I noticed this morning that some ornaments were moved around -- guess who! My little elf! Ha!
Here are some pictures of our tree and my little helper. And, yes, she's not wearing any pants -- at least she's got on a shirt! :)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Harrison is 11 Months and Happy Thanksgiving!
*he babbles and tries to mimic the tones in our voices
Wednesday we went down and Whitney took our family pictures. They are awesome! We designed a christmas card that's going to be perfect, too. I ordered so many pictures -- it's rare that we get good pictures of BOTH of my kids. We went to this outside location and took some of them in bare feet and fancy clothes and they are gorgeous! I'll post a link later, if I can. Then Thursday we went back for the big FEAST! We had so much food -- turkey, ham, mashed potatos, sweet pot. casserole, veggies, rolls, salad, dressing, and more -- and I won't even start on the desserts we had, except to say that Whitney makes the BEST mounds candy ever! :)
Here's a pic of the feast!
All in all, it was exactly what thanksgiving should be: fun, food, and family. I have more to be thankful for than I have space on this blog, but here are a few of my tops:
*my little family: matt, madeleine and harrison. i have a wonderful husband and 2 healthy babies
*my parents are both healthy & live nearby and enjoy their grandchildren and my sister is close and loves my children as well
*matt's family is well and lives close
*we have a warm home on these coming cold winter months
*i am able to stay home and take care of my children, which is what i want to do
*we have friends and a church where we can worship
*matt has a good job and loves what he does
*my children are sweet and are growing up to love the Lord
*we have so many people who love us!
As you can cup runneth over.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
My Sweet Husband
Yesterday Matt came home a little later than usual. I really didn't think much about it since he often runs back by the school on his way home or has paperwork to fill out. When he came home, instead of coming in the back door, he rang the doorbell -- hmmm? Madeleine and I rushed to answer it & there stood Matt holding 2 beautiful bouquets of flowers! A huge bouquet of Stargazer Lilies (my favorite) for me and a smaller bouquet of daisies for Madeleine! He said they were "just because" flowers -- and thanked me for all the things I do for our family.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ballgame with Daddy
Monday, November 12, 2007
Family Fun
The cousins
My Son, The Climber
We've been super busy lately, but I've been taking lots of pictures! Harrison started walking holding onto just ONE of our hands yesterday and he standing so much on his own, too. I can't wait to see those first steps! Also, yesterday morning, he woke up EARLY (the time change was bad, very bad) and fussed in his bed crying "mama, baba," translation: mommy, bottle! He was ready to eat & was letting us know.
Monday, November 5, 2007
What's been going on
This past weekend Matt had Thursday and Friday off from school. It was a much needed break for all of us & we've been planning a little get away just the two of us. We dropped the kids at my parents and early Thursday morning, we headed off to Dallas! It was a blast! We did lots of shopping and actually got most of the kids Christmas shopping done! :) We had a blast going to the outlets in Allen and shopping at Stonebriar. We ate our two fav. places -- Papisitos and Cheesecake Factory! YUMMY! I'd almost forgotten what it was like to eat a meal completely uninterrupted. :) And, to sleep uninterrupted. It's amazing what you can get accomplished on a good night of sleep. (actually, my kids are good sleepers, but with 2, someone usually wakes up/needs a paci/needs to potty/needs another kiss, etc.) I think my favorite part was doing our Christmas toy shopping. We actually needed 2 baskets to get out of Toys R Us! I also found these amazing Lulu outfits for my kids -- chocolate brown dress outfits with blue ribbons on Madeleine's and suspenders on Harrisons (they have an AWESOME Neiman's outlet in Allen). I can't wait to have their pictures in them! Then, sadly, very sadly, we came home on Saturday morning. I think one more night might have been perfect, but maybe next time!
Now we're back to the old grind. Matt's almost finished with his fall classes -- and 1/2 way to his Masters Degree, in just a year! That's amazing to me, since he's working full time and working on his National Boards, too. Harrison started standing alone A LOT yesterday. His favorite place to do this is the tub! And, he's learning the "one finger" approach to touching the things in our house. Madeleine did great with this, but I think my boy will be completely different. When we tell him "one finger" he points his "one finger" and just laughs! And it's a little "he-he-he laugh, too. Check back for updates on how the Christmas Tree experience goes! Madeleine's been getting ready at preschool for her Christmas program. She came home today singing a new song about a snowman. Check it out.....