Here we are now on the downhill slide to Charlotte's one year birthday! I can't believe how quickly she's become her own little person and with each change I just love her even more!
Sweet Charlotte, you just light up my world! You always, always have a smile on your face. And you have one of those smiles that reaches all the way up to your eyes, which I love. You smile at anyone that talks to you, from the grocery store checkout lady to the teachers at Madeleine's school. And it seems that everyone that meets you falls in love with you just as we have.
You have continued to develop such an easy-going personality. You prefer to sleep in your bed and will only sleep about 30 minutes in your carseat or our arms....and those time you'll just close your eyes and fall asleep; rarely do you fuss. However, in your bed you'll nap for anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 hours. And you're still a champion sleeper at night, for which I am so grateful! You usually go to bed around 7:30 and sleep until 7:30 the next morning. This past weekend you slept until 9:30am when I finally woke you up!
You have learned to sit on your own this month, although I still put a pillow behind you. You get so excited sometimes that you start bouncing and immediately fall backwards! I love watching you get excited. You will bounce up and down and squeal and flail your little arms and it makes me laugh every time! You love to babble and squeal and talk to us, but your favorite audience is still Madeleine. I love watching that bond between the two of you grow with each passing day.
You have gotten much more active this month. You can get up on all 4s and rock back and forth. And, you've learned to turn around in a circle, although none of us have seen you do this. We'll leave the room and come back moments later to find you facing an entirely different direction -- we call it your "trick." You can maneuver your way to pretty much anything you want to reach!
This month you've started putting everything in your mouth and I'm having to start thinking about babyproofing the house. You're current favorite toy is your bath turtle that travels with us most places since it must feel good against your gums. I think we might even be seeing a tooth before long. I knew your bottom ones were close to coming in, but the doctor remarked this week that your top ones looked like they could pop through at any time as well. Since you haven't been fussy, I'm curious to see if there will be any change in your disposition when they finally do come through.
You have such a sunny disposition that is one of my favorite things about you. I hope you'll always have such happy spirit. You get excited easily and love for us to read to you and get so excited when we do. I've had to stop reading before naps and start reading after because you get so excited and worked up and it's harder for you to go to sleep. :) You still babble all the time and absolutely love to blow raspberries. You can soak your shirt doing this!