This year has, by far, been the best of my life. While I have loved each first year spent with all of my babies, this one has been so different. This time around, I've slowed down and enjoyed it more. I haven't worried about you getting to each milestone because experience has taught me that you will get there. I haven't worried as much about each little cough or sniffle, because I've learned from your big sis & brother what I should be worried about and what's not serious. And, I've learned that skipping a nap won't hurt you, and a crazy late bedtime won't hurt me. :)
All that has made me much more relaxed as a mama and made this year such fun! I've spent more time rocking you. After each naptime/bedtime bottle, you'll turn into me and we'll rock and rock and rock. You'll put your head on my shoulder and happily lay there until either you go to sleep or I lay you down in your crib -- then you just roll right over and sleep. You're such a great sleeper, too. You take only 1 nap these days -- about 2-3 hours. And, you have a very firm 6:30 bedtime (if we know what's good for us!). You sleep all night without a peep and wake up happy between 6:30 and 7am. On days when we can sleep in, you're content to play in your crib until about 8am when we get you up. :)
You've started to have some favorite activities. You love to look out the window at the pond or M & H playing in the yard. You're not too happy though if you can't be out there playing, too, and let me know it! You love for me to swing you up and down in my arms. You love for us to read to you -- you'll sit in my lap for as long as I'll keep reading. Your favorite books are touch & feel, Jamberry and The Sleepytime Dance.
But, your most favorite thing to do is wave. WAVE. You wave to everyone! You wave out the car window. You wave in the grocery cart. And, your most favorite person to wave to is Daddy. If you see him sitting at the table reading or studying, you'll immediately start waving to him. And, you don't stop until he waves back. :) You have the cutest wave -- straight arm with only your hand going up and down. Like royalty!
You are busy, busy, busy these days. You aren't afraid to go somewhere alone. I'll find you sitting in the middle of our dark bathroom or in a corner of the kids room looking at one of their books. And, you put everything in your mouth. My vaccum cleaner is getting a workout these days trying to keep the floors clean!
My Charlotte, this year with you has been so very special. Fillled with memories that I'll treasure forever. I'm looking forward to seeing what the next year holds....but I'll take it just one day at a time. I want to freeze this time that seems to be passing all to quickly and hold on to these days. They truely are the best days of my life.