At 22 months Harrison....
...Has discovered that he really likes broccoli! He loves to eat it steamed or with dip. I've been putting it on his plate for months, but just recently he decided to try it after seeing Madeleine eating it. :)
...Has started saying "love you" in response to someone saying "I love you." I LOVE this!! It's so sweet and one of those things you wait and wait to hear your child say to you.
...He can count! If I start counting one, he'll finish with two and three and even occasionally four. Madeleine has been a big help with teaching him this. She counts everything and he still wants to do just what she's doing.
...He loves to brush his teeth/let me brush them. He will stand at the sink and whine "teeth, teeth," until I hand him the toothbrush.
...He's discovered colors and markers! Oh boy! I've found many,many places in my house with little stray crayon marks on them. I not sure where his secret stash of colors is because somehow he always seems to have an "unauthorized" crayon. He will sit and color FOREVER! He really prefers markers, but he doesn't like it when they get on his hands and he certainly can make a mess with them!!
...On a similar note, he LOVES stickers! I constantly find stickers on the floor, cabinets, furniture.... his favorite place to put them is on himself -- mostly his face! A new sheet of stickers can keep him occupied for a looooong time.
...He loves books. He'll sit and look at them or let me read to him. He points to everything in the book and wants to know what "dat" is.
...He's still quite a climber & has learned how to climb into his highchair and fasten himself in.
...He's also still a good sleeper --- generally. He's getting his molars and right now they are making for some long nights. Usually he will sleep from 8:30 until at least 7:00 the next morning. He also a wonderful napper! He will usually sleep 2-3 hours!! Love that!
I can't imagine what we did before our little cutie came along!
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