I'm thinking it must have been severe sleep deprivation that caused me to make Harrison's appointment at 8am at the Tonitown clinic (for those of you out of NWA....it's a gooooood ways from our house!). And, to top things off it was a cold, messy, rainy morning which meant traffic was slow going. But, it was definitely worth the trip out there. The clinic is so small and not many people use it, so we got in and out really fast.
For the record, Harrison is 38 inches tall (50%) and 38 lbs (90%). The doctor said he looks great! He cautioned me to watch him closely, because 3 year old boys "have no common sense!" HA! That's soooo true! I did ask him about Harrison being SO LOUD all the time.....his response was that little boys are just loud.....and big boys are loud too! :) Overall, this was the BEST and most thorough well-check that I've EVER seen one of my kids get & I'll definitely request this dr. again. Harrison did GREAT. He did get his H1N1 booster and a Hep A shot and was none too pleased with it. I told him afterwards that the did a great job and I was so proud of him. His response was "Hmph. Well, it still horts!" :)
Afterwards we headed to Sams to kill some time between appointments and let me take care of some homeroom mom stuff for Madeleine's party next week. I'm so thankful my mom was with me. I'd gotten spoiled this past fall with just having Harrison with me during the day and I've forgotten how much work TWO can be!
Thankfully, both kids were pretty good today. Harrison's just quite a little handful these days. :) He's not bad, just full of mischief and curiousity.
In order to take full advantage of her first trip to Sams, Charlotte decided that she was tired of her carseat and wanted to stretch out. So we made her a little bed in the cart and she had the best time looking at the lights and just being pushed around! How adorable is she???
After Sams we headed for a quick trip to Dillards where Charlotte got a new dress to (hopefully!) wear on her first trip to church this coming Sunday! Then it was off to doctor visit #2.
Hanging out at Sams.
Finally, one last picture of her first trip to see Daddy at work. All the teachers doted on her and she was a perfect angel during the visit.
I can relate to the energy that 3 year old boys can have. Wow is all I can say, but I would not have it any other way. :-)
When I had trouble sleeping last night I was thinking about Charlotte and her doctor's appointment for some reason. So glad it went well (and Harrison's too)!
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