Charlotte has been busy this month! She's started rolling front to back and back to front. I have the most perfect memory of watching her do this for the first time....Madeleine and I were having our usual afterschool playtime with Charlotte. We were playing with her under her playgym and I had her on her tummy. Madeleine was talking to her and as she started rolling we started cheering her on. Harrison join in the fun then and we spent several minutes cheering for her and clapping -- Harrison kept yelling "she gonna roll, she gonna roll." Finally Charlotte made it all the way over & you would have thought she'd solved some complex calculus equation by all the applause she got! It was so sweet to watch her big sister and brother cheer for her and encourage her. I pray they always are her biggest supporters.
She's still an amazing sleeper. She takes about 3 hour long naps during the day -- if I'm home all day then she'll take a 2 hour one in there. But, she's sleeping a good 11-12 hours at night every night! Hurray! She has very bad refux and often has a coughing fit in the night & we have to get up and pat her on the back (and often put her in the swing to try and help her feel better) but she sleeps through all of that. :) I usually wake her up around 7:30 for her first feeding and to start our day.
She's got to be one of the happiest babies EVER. I love that about her! I love that when I wake her up in the morning she has the biggest streeeeetch then gives me the biggest grin. :) She'll keep her mouth open until I kiss her back. It's precious. She always has a smile. And, can this girl TALK!!! She's really found her voice this month. She makes all kind of funny noises in addition to the usual cooing sounds. She's quite a squealer and she's pretty loud. Almost every time I take her with me into a store someone will stop me and comment on her cute sounds. She likes to go shopping and just looks around at everything. I think I've definitely got me a shopping buddy.
When she gets tired she rubs her eyes and turns her head to the left. Dead giveaway that it's naptime.
She likes to be read to lately. She will stare down those pictures in the books. I can just see her taking it all in. And with Madeleine reading now, there's always someone ready to read to her. She's going to be spoiled, I know. She also loves for us to sing to her which we do A LOT.
Madeleine is one of her favorite people. As soon as Madeleine gets in the car in the afternoon, Charlotte starts squealing. She talks and talks to Madeleine. It almost always makes me tear up, it's so sweet. She just lights up when Madeleine comes over to her. And Madeleine is amazing with her. She gets in the car and tells Charlotte about her day in her baby-talk voice. Poor Harrison just tries and tries to get a word in. No wonder he talks my ear off all day long -- once the girls get together he's ousted. :)
She's started doing some big time drooling this past month. I keep checking for teeth, all the while holding my breath & hoping they're NOT there. Harrison cut 2 teeth at 4 months & I just want my baby to stay a baby as long as possible. She's constantly cramming her fist into her mouth and has started putting anything she can get her hands on into her mouth as well. We're still trying with the paci. She's started to really like it when she's sleepy & it helps her fall asleep a bit faster, but it's not necessary for her to sleep. As soon as she actually falls asleep she spits it out & is done with it.
She has the tiniest feet, especially compared to her chunky-monkey body! We have her four month checkup on Monday & I'm curious to see how much she weighs! She's gotten quite large -- fat & happy as we call it. :) At least it looks good on a baby. Ha!
1 comment:
So precious!!! You are lucky about the 11-12 hours of sleep. My 9 month old has yet to sleep through the night!
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