this has be quite a month for miss c. she's getting quite the little personality and i love it! she's so bubbly and pleasant and just generally happy. and she's still so laid-back. she's begun to notice strangers this month. if we're around someone she doesn't know she'll be much quieter that normal and want to keep me or her daddy in her view and she definitely has her favorite people now too. madeleine can still make her laugh more than anyone! and she has this chuckle of a laugh that just bubbles out of her. it makes me laugh every time! :)
she's also an amazing eater. hurray for that! she's been through most of the baby food veggies & fruits and we'll start on the meats this month. she wants our food so badly and grabs for it. actually, she grabs for anything and everything and it heads straight to her mouth.
she's almost sitting alone. she can sit for a looooong time with a pillow behind her back in case she falls. she hates to be cradle-held unless she's tired & prefers to sit up on our laps or be held facing out where she can see the action!!
she's trying to crawl now too. noooooooo! she gets those arms straight and pushes herself up tall and can get one knee up. i'm trying to slow down her progress though. i need a few more months before she's on the move. :)
i love to listen to her babbling. she'll blow raspberries until she's covered in drool and babble (blah, blah, blah -- so funny!) until the kids are telling her to be quiet. she can be really loud!
happy 1/2 birthday sweet charlotte!
Precious! Charlotte's little personality is just developing more and more and it is so much fun. I've gotta hear one of those belly laughs soon!
And did you seriously make that cake yourself?! I'm in awe!
They grow so fast!!! She is a doll!!
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