This was the best picture I could get this month. She refused to keep the 11th month sign out of her mouth!
She's into everything these days. She loves cords, wires, etc. She wants to be right where Madeleine & Harrison are playing and if she can't get into the playroom with them, I'll find her looking in the door (it's glass). Sometime I put her big garden in the doorway & she'll play there happily since she can see what's going on.
She also spends a good bit of her time at my feet, right where I am. I have to double check before closing a door/fridge/drawer to make sure she's not right there. She's found the tupperware drawer and loves to play in the fridge door too! These will keep her entertained for quite awhile most days.
She's still very very chatty. She babbles all day long. She babble in the car, which drives Harrison nuts since he can't hear the TV. :) She can say mama, dada, bye bye and hi. She's trying to say "bath" too. She can wave and loves to clap. Her new favorite thing to do is dance! She dances to the TV, in church and to the music on the radio. It's so cute. She'll be crawling along and as soon as the music comes on she stops in her tracks and dances! She's also discovered the windows and loves to look outside. I love seeing those little handprints on the panes too.
She's started to play a game with matt. When he'll ask her to say "dada" she looks at him with the biggest grin and says "mama." She'll say dada when she wants him for something, but this is her game!
She's still not standing on her own which doesn't surprise me. She's been the most content baby and I think she's not going to stand until she actually needs to do it.
Charlotte still loves for us to read to her. Her favorite song is God Made the Big Round Sun and she can do the motions. I probably sing this 25 times a day!! She still loves her paci and chews it on one side of her mouth a lot of the time (like a cigar! Ha!)
As we celebrated Christmas this year, it's been hard for me to imagine that this time last year we didn't even know if we were going to be adding a boy or girl to our family. Charlotte has filled our lives with such joy and happiness. She is such a sweet baby and has made my already wonderful life even better!
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