Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Taking the Plunge

Harrison has been begging for a fish for ages. So awhile back we decided to give our first "pets" a try and let the kids each get a fish. We bought them both a beta fish because they are supposed to be very easy to take care of and live for awhile. Well, so far they've lived up to our expectations since they are both still alive.

We took them to the pet store and let them choose which fish they wanted and all the gear to go with them. Harrison was quick to decide which one he wanted, but Madeleine to her time choosing the perfect fish. There was so much excitement when we got home and got their fish bowls ready. They were eager to help!
Harrison named his fish Goldie-Nemo-Snapper. Quite a name for a little fish. :)
Madeleine named her fish Princess Lilly.
They have both been doing very good at feeding the fish. Charlotte loves them as well -- I've found her kissing the bowl from time to time. She calls them both "fifi" which is adorable!

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