Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Big Girl Undies!

I haven't blogged about our potty training progress because, frankly, I didn't want to jinx it! I had planned to potty train Charlotte this summer, but I intended to wait until closer to the end of summer. I knew that with Harrison & Madeleine both in school full time I would be able to give Charlotte my full attention and hopefully make it go a lot faster.

It shouldn't have surprised me that my girl had other plans.

We bought a potty just to have around a few weeks ago. She really had little interest in it and I was gearing up for this being a tough thing to accomplish -- much like with Harrison. :)

Then about 2 weeks ago, she just decided one day that she wanted to use the potty. And she did.

Every time she goes, she comes out naked on the bottom and yells to me "mommy! tee tee come out! tee tee come out!" Ha! It amazes her every time! Since she was going in the potty, we went and picked out some treats for her -- skittles at first and now we've moved into pink m&ms. That's my girl. My pink loving girl.

She has been almost accident free for 2 weeks now. She's had 2 accidents, both times she told me she needed to go and I didn't take her very quickly -- once in the middle of dinner and once in her carseat. I still put a pullup on her when we go out, but as long as I put it on over her undies she stays dry and she'll even use a public potty. Gross, but convenient.

I have to add this funny thing. She calls her bottom a "peepee" which is what we call Harrison's bottom. Ha! She also pushes down on her bottom when she goes, much like she's seen brother do, I think. And, she's asked me to go standing up! Ha! I think she's just role modeling what she sees Harrison do! I've gotten a lot of laughs out of this!

And, at home she's wearing undies pretty much all the time. She's so proud of herself! We had to pick out new undies and they, of course, had to be pink. We got some cute ones at Carters and they are the softest things ever. I think she's adorable in them and I love patting that little tushie. :)

She's still not going poopoo in the potty. She goes and gets a pullup and tells me she needs to go. And, she'll only poopoo in the Toy Story Tent. I've tried putting the potty in there, but she just laughs and laughs. We'll get there. Madeleine was 2 1/2 before she was doing both in the potty and Charlotte is well on her way. There is a light at the end of the diaper tunnel -- we've been buying diapers for 8 years! Right now we're only using 2 pullups a day -- sometimes less. She's usually dry after nap, but wet in the morning. Yay!
I can't believe how big my baby is growing. There are times that I wonder if I'll ever be out of the baby phase and now that it's getting closer and closer, it seems like it's gone fast. Thankfully, she's still very attached to her paci and nightnight -- so she's still my little baby.


Anonymous said...

take those off for me

Anonymous said...

rather take them off her myself, nothing nicer than pulling down as little toddlers cute cotton knickers

Anonymous said...

take them off then get her to wrap them around my c--k and jerk me off in the crotch, put them on her pulled up real tight and rub my load deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep in her bald toddler p---y, once they feel cum in them they ALWAYS want more

Anonymous said...

I do that with my granddaughters knickers she will be 3 in jan, just potty trained, it gets me soooooooooo hard knowing my load is rubbing against her tiny lil bald c--t all day

Anonymous said...

I never had a toddler girl sexually as a man but I did have a very little young toddler boy I had his entire tiny cock and balls inside mouth and I loved every minute of it, but i just didn't have the opportunity to Fuck his asshole I bet that could and would have been the greatest sexual feeling for me to experience. I also wanted to eat out his anal πŸ’to get at his sweet chocolate πŸ’© from inside of there for him!!!! πŸ‘‰πŸ‘…πŸŒπŸ‘€