Saturday, July 28, 2012

A week of Firsts

This has certainly been a full week!

We started with our trip to Tulsa on Monday and came home from that to discover that our air had gone out! Yuck! We spent Monday night in a hotel until the air was fixed Tuesday morning.

Wednesday I decided to take a last minute trip to Little Rock. I'd planned to meet my mom on Thursday to drop off Madeleine so she could stay with them for a couple of days. But, then I decided to go on Wednesday and take her the whole way -- Harrison and Charlotte tagged along for the night and then the 3 of us came back on Thursday morning.

The reason for the trip was for me to get to shop with my sister for her first baby! This was our first time to shop and we had such fun looking a baby thing for my soon to arrive nephew!! I'm so thankful that my mom and dad watched my kids for the evening and that Stewart was happy to give us some girl time while I was there. :) I loved every moment!

We left Thursday morning and Madeleine stayed behind. This was her first time to spend a couple of days down there by herself and I know she had such a great time. But, I sure did miss her! I was ready for her to come back on Saturday, but Harrison was so SO ready for her to come back. He watched the door all day and kept asking when she'd be home. Mimi and Grandad brought her back -- they were coming this way for him to preach up here on Sunday morning.

The reason we had to come back Thursday morning was so Harrison could go on his first sleepover -- at his best friend Drew's house! He'd been looking forward to this so much! He's not usually ready to leave Mimi and Grandad's house, but this was an exception. It worked out great because he was not in the least bit jealous of Madeleine getting to stay behind-- all he wanted was to get home and go to Drew's. :) We made it home, packed his bags and off he went. And, what a time he had! He talked nonstop Friday about what the did and what Drew said and on and on. It made my heart so happy to know that he'd had such a wonderful time on his first sleepover!

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