Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Harrison's First Day of Preschool

Last Tuesday Harrison started preschool -- in fact, it was his last first day of preschool. *sniff*

He'd been looking forward to this day knowing that he'd be at preschool with his best buds this year! I really debated over whether or not to send him to school this year at all. Having Madeleine is school full time has made this momma realize just how quickly the time passes and all too soon he'll be in school full time, too. I have enjoyed the past year immensly with him being home full time...we had no schedule and a limitless amount of playtime. But, I also think it's important for him to start to adjust to getting up and going somewhere and learn those basic school essentials: standing in a line, waiting his turn, etc. Although I don't think the getting up part will ever be hard for this little morning person (there are many morning that Harrison & I are up a good hour before anyone else!).I also debated a lot about where to put him this year. I looked at several preschools that are close to us as well as the preschool at our church which is a much farther drive. Ultimately the thought that he should be with his friends, in a place he loves, with teacher that I know and I know love him won out. It's definitely a farther drive, but the smile on his face when I picked him up the first day banished any doubts I might have had about the drive being worthwhile.

To say he had a great day would be an understatement! He had a wonderful, fantastic, marvelous day! The first question out of his mouth when we got in the car to go home was, "Do I get to go to preschool tomorrow, please, please, please?" Since we'd decided to only go one day a week for now, it was hard to tell him that he had to wait 6 whole days before going back. He's been asking me every day since how many more sleeps until preschool. :) I told Matt that I think we might have to start sending him 2 days each week because he wants to go so badly! I hope he feels the same about kindergarten next year!


~aj~ said...

I think we could have written each other's preschool posts word-for-word! I'm so glad that Harrison and Drew are in school together this year and I'm so glad to have a mommy friend that feels the same way as I do about so many things. These PRE school time is the most precious time we have with them! I'll be sad when Harrison is in school next year!

Anonymous said...

Look at that sweet little boy..I love you!!!