Friday, April 25, 2008

Girl Time

Recently, Madeleine has gotten really into coloring and will sit for hours just working on one picture. So, this has become our most popular activity while Harrison naps. She will tell me, "mommy, let's talk and color." Oh yeah, this girl loves to chat! She will talk to me about everything and I love listening to her and seeing how her little mind works. It's amazing the things she'll remember, too! I remember my mom always saying how I was a BIG talker (and still am) and how there was never a quiet moment.......well, I feel the same way now! It's no wonder Harrison doesn't say much; he never gets a chance! :)

Here are some pictures from this week of Madeleine working on some art. Yep, she's only wearing undies.....that's all she wants to wear at home. I let her -- one of the benefits of staying home with them is they can relax and be comfy and even it that means wearing just undies or a tutu.

I have to add one little tidbit. Madeleine is becoming VERY independent and wants to dress herself every day. I usually lay out her clothes and she'll put them on. Well, yesterday before preschool I set out her clothes and since we were running late I sent her in to put them on herself. She came back a few minutes later looking fine and off we went to school. Fast forward to after school.......during Harrison's naptime we "rest" on the couch for a little while. She takes off her pants and ta-da there are her PJ shorts UNDER her pants! She wore her PJs to school. :)

Working hard

Her finished picture.
And what was this little guy doing while Madeleine was finishing her picture?
Checking out what's on TV (and hogging the remote). He looks so big in this picture. Waaaaaa!

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