Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Seen and Heard

** Harrison's new word is "NOW" and it follows everything he says even if it doesn't really need to....he says "yes" like "yesh" and "okay" like "uhhhhhkaaaay." SO CUTE!!

*Madeleine told us in the car the other day that she needed four eyes: two to watch the TV and two to watch the grasshopper that was taking a ride on our windshield.
** When I can't find Harrison he's usually in the bathroom: brushing his teeth (aka eating toothpaste) or pulling toilet paper off the roll. He says he needs to be a pirate and wants the empty roll for his perioscope. :) He's also big into tearing little pieces off the roll and flushing them....obviously no one's told him about water conservation.
Madeleine calls the algea in the pond out back the allergy....and insists she's right when I correct her.
Harrison made this makeshift chair using Madeleine's babydoll highchair. He was mad that I put their two little chairs outside after they were used one too many times to enable him to reach the faucet. Mean ol' mom!
And, all hard labor around here is done naked. :) Here's my boy with his LOUD jackhammer.

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