Saturday, November 6, 2010

Charlotte's New Friend

That would be mobility that I'm talking about. And it's changed my life in a BIG way. No more sitting her in the living room with some toys & getting things done. No way. As soon as I sit her down, she's off. And she's FAST.

I've forgotten what it's like to have a crawler in the house. It takes so much longer to accomplish anything -- not only because I have to stop every 2 minutes to move her back to a "safe zone" but also because I just love watching her crawl. :) I also spend a huge amount of time picking up & making sure that M & H haven't left any small toys laying around. She's already discovered a few favorite places: the laundry room, the dining room, and right by the backdoor. I'm not sure why she loves these spots (although I have a few theories...) but I'm constantly finding her in them.

But, the best part is that she laughs when she crawls. She has this hearty chuckle like she knows she's such big stuff!

One thing that's for sure about her crawling -- it totally wears her out! She's exhausted at naptime & bedtime and she's been sleeping a good bit more too.

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