Friday, February 8, 2013

January Catch-Up

January just flew by for us! We were busy getting back into the swing of school for the first few days. Then Matt had a mandatory "sick leave" for almost a week due to a chicken pox outbreak at his school -- he's never had them and had not been vaccinated either. Thankfully it all happened at the end of the incubation period and he only had 3 days at home. And, even more thankfully, the district worked with him and didn't make him actually use any of his sick days -- he'll just tack them on this summer. And, yes, he did quickly get that vaccination taken care of!
The next week, Harrison came down with the flu. He was one poor, miserable, sick kid that week. Somewhere in the middle of all that, I had a birthday. Matt came home that day and with flowers and a Sonic Diet Cherry Coke -- my favorite! It was a looong week of not getting out of the house at all! 
 That Friday, we'd planned to have a sitter, but Harrison was still not feeling good so we put it off a week. Matt had ordered me a cake for that Friday so we went ahead and celebrated after dinner -- they all spoiled me as usual!
 Charlotte and I were both desperate to get out of the house the following week after being cooped up for 7 long days! We met up with AJ, Drew and Titus for a long lunch at CFA one day. When Charlotte woke up from her nap that afternoon I asked her (like usual) what she was dreaming about and she told me "I dreaming about Ty-Ty." ~swoon~
 We kept busy while at home that week by playing lots of play-doh!
 And, Charlotte made me some coffee one morning. Maybe I need to rethink my coffee habit. ;)
 Charlotte rode her new bike indoors that week too! Ha! Whatever it takes, right!
 The kids were off of school for MLK day. Madeleine and I spent some time together that day -- lunch just us at CFA and then a trip to the bookstore and Target. She is such her mama's daughter. We spent an hour just looking at books and picking out some new ones. I love that she loves to read. She's discovered Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Caddie Woodlawn, to name a few. And, they are reading Sarah, Plain & Tall and Little House in the Big Woods in her class/reading group. Both she's already read and is loving that she's ahead of the game there!
 Harrison is rocking out kindergarten these days! This is from a couple of weeks ago when he got a 112% on his test. Matt & I decided to try an experiment and not let him study except for the morning of the test last week and see how he did. Well, he got a 118%. Crazy!! He loves getting in the car on Mondays and making me guess what he got on his test. And, these are the exact same tests that Madeleine did in first grade!! Same spelling lists, everything!
 We stopped by Matt's office while waiting to get Madeleine from Art Club one afternoon. Charlotte discovered lots of fun things there. :)
 Sunday lunch at Steak n' Shake. So yummy, but a good reminder that Charlotte's not quite ready to keep sitting that long after sitting in church. Oyyyy.

Harrison dressed as Darth Vadar. He's discovered Star Wars and it's his newest obsession. It's even what he and his friends all play on the playground each day. And, Matt is loving it -- they talk Star Wars a lot.
 I was absolutely honored to get to fill out a recommendation/reference form for one of my best best friends that's family is in the process of adopting a little girl from China! This is going to be one blessed little girl to join this family! They have 3 boys and I think of her each day as I'm rocking my Charlotte for her nap -- one day soon she'll be rocking her girl!
 I think that just about wraps up our January! We have a full February coming up but it's going to be such fun!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

With the exception of Harrison having the flu, this post makes me happy for SO many different reasons! Love your family!