Friday, December 20, 2013

Charlotte's Preschool Program

Monday night was Charlotte's preschool program. It was super cute!
If you know us well, you know that we don't celebrate Christmas as a "special time" for the birth of Christ. We believe that we should celebrate this all year long and that if God had wanted us to put a special emphasis on this day then he would have told us when it is. Celebrating Christmas as Jesus Birthday is just not something we believe that we need to do -- it's no where in the Bible. So, our kids know nothing about Christmas being celebrated by many as a religious holiday. Well, Charlotte goes to the Baptist church for school and, of course, they do celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday. So, the class before Charlotte's sings "Happy Birthday to Jesus." Right in the middle of this Harrison (who is naturally LOUD and says anything) busts out with why are they singing Happy Birthday to Jesus!!?? That's weird!!  Nice, huh. :) I'm sure the entire place thought we were heathens. Ha!
The rest of the program was cute. They sang some religious songs, but also Feliz Navidad and Twinkle Little Star. Very cute. Charlotte was so excited! She was dressed early that night and ready to go -- she kept talking about how Daddy was going to video her. She was proud of that! She ended up wearing a long robe that kept tripping her and I think it upset her and worried her. So, she was soooo slow walking in and not very happy about it. But, she didn't cry -- she was just quiet.
She was excited that her friend Whitney would be there that night since they go on opposite days to school! Here they are in their sweet little dresses. 

She did a great job! And, I'm proud of her for learning all her songs and singing them that night. I can't believe that she is this big!

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