Friday, November 13, 2015

Crazy Fall Catch Up

Whew! This has been a super busy fall around our house! Harrison played fall baseball, Madeleine did cheer, and Charlotte is still in gymnastics. Matt picked up 2 adjuncting classing 2x a week, and I started (and quit) a part-time job (because with the kids doing so so many activities and Matt being gone so much, it was just too much strain on our family for me to be so committed as well.) 

So, here's a quick recap of some of our fall....

Prairie Grove has a big Clothesline Fair every Labor Day weekend and square dancing is a HUGE part of that. Square Dancing is a big tradition in PG, and they have dancers from 4 years old to 18 years old. The older groups compete, but for Charlotte's group it was just for fun. And, did she have fun!! She loved it! This girl loves to perform! 

The weekend kicks off with a parade on Saturday morning, then square dancing on both Saturday & Monday. I'm thankful that we had Tuesday off to recover! Ha! I rode with her in the parade and she had such fun throwing candy and waving to everyone she knew. :)
 This is her partner, Leon. She has a little crush on him -- and kissed him the first week of school! AHHH! This one is going to keep me on my toes. ;)

 Matt surprised Harrison with tickets to his FIRST Razorback game that weekend as well. They went early and had the BEST time -- Harrison had so much to say about it when they came home.
 Charlotte is loving school. I find her playing school almost every day.
 It's so nice to have a Dad that can help you in math!
 Madeleine and Maci -- Madeleine & I went to watch her group square dance. So fun!
 The girls went to open gym one night and Harrison tagged along with Matt & me to dinner. It was nice to have some time with just him.
 I put out the fall decor & pulled out our fall books and this little one was super excited to read them all!
 Biggest Fall News: I got a new nephew!! He is adorable and perfection all in one little bundle. I got to go down and be there when he was born and it was unforgettable!
 And, this little cutie and I had some good bonding time then as well. :)
 Charlotte learned to read!! She couldn't believe it one night when I pulled out this book and she could actually read almost all of it!
 We made a second trip to Little Rock to see the kids new cousin. They all took turns holding baby Cashel. I'm pretty sure they just adore him.

 Charlotte's team surprised her coach with cookies to celebrate Coach Katie's birthday. These girls are quite a team now!
 One day after gym. She never naps, and I had to take a picture. Ha! All those long days just finally caught up to her.
 Mystery Movie Night! We watched The Ghost & Mr. Chicken and the kids loved it!

 Charlotte got strep and was so sick! I took her to the doctor and they told me that this was her first time on an antibiotic, which is crazy! I knew she's been a healthy kid, but I had no idea that this was her first "real" illness!
 Unfortunately, she had an allergic reaction to her first antibiotic, so we ended up back at the doctor for a new prescription. Her doctor won't prescribe the one she could take in a liquid form, only pill form (she says it tastes like GARBAGE and after smelling it, she is right. Yuck!). Our doctor's orders were to break the pill apart, dump out the contents in a spoonful of ice cream and have her take it that way. So, Charlotte got ice cream 3 times a day for 14 days. She didn't complain too much....although it still tasted pretty bad!
 We had "hair night" at the gym so I could learn how to do her hair for gymnastics. I'm not a good hair mom -- it never looks just right, so I was super proud of how this looked!

 Harrison & Matt scored tickets to another game -- and these were Box Seats! Wahoo! This game went into several overtimes before the Hogs won and they were nice & cozy inside. :)

Harrison had a blast playing fall ball! He played with several guys from church and they had a great season! 
 Love these boys!
 These 2 had PJ day at school. I love PJ day at school -- they just roll out of bed and go.
 These two. Madeleine was reading to Charlotte one night before bed while I helped Harrison with his homework and I found them like this. Charlotte is so spoiled to have such a great big sis.
 Harrison's 3rd grade class had their program. It was so cute and they all did great! I'm thankful for good friends for my kids.
 I checked him out after and we headed to Sonic before picking up the girls.
 Madeleine & I had a girls day out shopping. It's so fun to spend time with her these days!
 Another gym meeting and these girls hung out in the corner. :)
 Charlotte's Thanksgiving feast at school.

And, that wraps up most of our crazy fall. We've moved on to basketball and lots of holiday activites both at school & home!

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