Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Bye-Bye Paci

I was really hoping that Madeleine would just give up her paci on her own, but I've decided there is absolutely no way this will EVER happen! Every time I've mentioned it, I get a very firm, "But I might need it." So, this week I decided to give her some incentive. First, matt cut a very small hole in it, so it won't suck as well. Then we made a chart, every day she goes without it she gets a sticker and every night she gets a sticker as well. The incentive is a trip to the zoo (in this freezing weather) and ice cream with mom & dad. She picked the reward, so we're going with it -- she LOVES the zoo. So far we've made it through 3 days and 2 nights paci-less and with very little crying. She hates the paci with the hole in it, so it's more about wanting her old paci. :( Yesterday, I took her to WalMart and let her get 2 new princess dolls that she loves as a reward for getting through the first day/night. She's very, very proud of herself, and I'm so proud of her too! She's really doing great & it's going much better than I'd expected! I'll post again when we fill up the chart -- I only made it for a week.

Here's my little princess, playing dress up!

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