Sunday, October 18, 2009

300th Post and the End of the Soccer Season

Friday night was Madeleine's last soccer game -- thankfully, since it's been freezing here this week! We were scheduled to play on Saturday as well, but our coach called it off since it was supposed to get even colder. I think all the parents were thankful!

Madeleine's had such a fun time this fall playing for the first time. She's made a good friend on the team and is already looking forward to when spring soccer rolls around. As we were leaving I had the thought that when we come back for the spring season we'll be a family of FIVE!

She's by no means the most aggressive player on the team, but she's had a blast and that's what counts. You can usually see her cheering and jumping a safe distance from the action. But, she's always the first to cheer for her teamates and I'm so proud of her for sticking with it even when she was tired and cold! Enjoy the pictures!

They only had 4 girls there for most of the game, so everyone got to play a lot more which was nice since it kept her warm! :) Harrison and I spent the entire game huddled up under a warm blanket while cheering her on!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

Man, they weren't kidding. That Saturday morning soccer game was FRIGID!!!

Glad Madeleine had such a fun time this season. I wish I could have seen her play...and cheer!