Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday Conversations

I want to remember this, so I'm writing it down...

This morning during communion at church, Harrison (who was sitting cuddled up next to me) looks up at the slide with a picture of the cross on it and asks me in his "whisper voice" so I'm sure everyone around us heard it too: "Mommy, did Jesus already die on the cross?"
Me: Yes, Harrison.
Harrison: Before I was born?
Me: Yes.
Harrison: Before you were born?
Me: Yes.
Harrison: Before grandad was born?
Me: Yes.
Harrison: That was a loooong time ago, huh?

And then he got quiet and pondered this for awhile before moving on to his next question.

Harrison: Mommy, I want to hold God's hand. If God is real, why can't I hold his hand?
Me: Because you can't see him.
Harrison: Hmmmp! Well, I want to. I reeeeealy reeeealy want to. Hmmmmp!

Thankfully by this time it was time for Children's Bible Hour. Having a theological discussion during the middle of communion wasn't quite what I'd planned. But, it reminded me that little ears are always listening and paying attention.

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