Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Favorite Things

There are a few things I'm loving these days. First found a new favorite scent -- Paris from B&B Works. The kids got this for me for mothers day and it smells sooo yummy!

I have been waiting months for straweberry seaon to get here so I could make strawberry pie! I think it's my favorite pie and the kids like it too, so it's going to be appearing often at our table. :) I have a wonderful recipe (that works for peaches too -- just wait till July) and have already made us one pie. It's fruit so that means it's healthy, right?!?

I'm loving my new favorite CD -- Anchor by Mindy Gledhill. Madeleine and I spend most of our car time singing our hearts out to this! It's great to finally find some music that's appropriate for her to listen to as well. :) It's pretty much always in my CD player. Thanks, Sugar, for the suggestion!

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