Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving Week got off to a great start! Madeleine used 2 of her incentive days (love those!) and took off the first 2 days of Thanksgiving Break. Monday morning, the girls and I got out and did some shopping. I told Madeleine that we could have lunch anywhere she wanted and she chose the food court at the mall. :) It was so fun to have a day with my girls!
Tuesday was Thanksgiving Dinner at Harrison's school. Matt was off and stayed home with the girls so I could go up and help. It was busy, busy! 

Harrison brought this home in his folder that day. They do a "number of the day" and he always does great buy this day he did a little extra -- see #8 and his notation. :) 
Unfortunately things went downhill on Tuesday night. I've just about decided that Thanksgiving just isn't meant to be our holiday! Last year is the only year out of the past 4 years that no one has been sick, and that was the year that we didn't have Thanksgiving on the actual day. So, Tuesday afternoon Harrison started complaining of a headache and being cold, and by Tuesday night he was burning up! He ran fever for 5 days -- high fever that I just couldn't get to go down. So, he got to spend most of his break at the hotel. :(

The girls had a great time at Mimi & Grandad's house having a blast with their cousins! The kids have been dying to see Cormac and all "the cousins." Madeleine loved getting to read to Cormac and watch movies with him.
Charlotte found quite a buddy in Reid. They played game after game while we were there.

And, I feel like I didn't even see Madeleine much those days! She was upstairs with her girl cousins having a blast! She is already talking about next year and looking forward to it! Of course, Charlotte just thought she was one of them. :)

I am so so thankful that Madeleine has these cousins to spend time with. She and Rhea are even going to be able to text and FaceTime which is one of the wonderful perks of technology!

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