Monday, October 25, 2010

Biking Bliss

Last week we pulled out Harrison's big boy bike & decided to see how he would do on it. He completely surprised us by taking to it fast. He was off and biking in a matter of minutes after asking Matt a dozen times how to "apply the brakes." Every time he brakes he says, "I have to apply the brakes." I think he got that from watching Thomas.

We keep telling him to slow down, and he yells back over his shoulder, that he has to go FAST. That boy loves to go fast. I can't help smiling as I watch his little legs petaling with all their might!
We've been spending many afternoons outside while Charlotte takes her nap. Once she wakes up, we'll take a walk around the neighborhood & let the kids bike. It's a good 1/5-2 miles & they love it! I think Madeleine is ready to take her training wheels off, but we've decided to wait till next spring & take both kids off -- I'm pretty sure Harrison will be ready for that too next spring.

We did have to take Harrison to pick out a new helmet. His 3-5 year helmet was just a bit too tight. So, we upgraded to a Toy Story helmet that's for 5+.
And, Miss Charlotte loves being out there & watching her big brother & sister! She's quite content to sit in our laps or in her stroller and watch them go!

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