Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Corn Maze Craze

After hearing how much fun our LifeGroup had at the corn maze (and we weren't able to go with them --boo!) we decided that we just had to try it out! Actually, I decided that we had to try it & I'm so glad we did! It was such a fun and perfect morning for us & gave us some much needed family time.

The kids were super excited to try out the corn maze -- although I'm not sure they knew exactly what a corn maze was. I think it just sounded exciting to them! We found the entrance to the maze and off we went.
We let Madeleine lead at the beginning. It was her job to get us "lost." And, she did it well. :) Poor Harrison looked like he was being dragged along just trying to keep up and constantly telling us that he was ready to get out of the maze. After about 30 minutes I'd started to agree with him. Carrying around all 20lbs of Charlotte in the baby carrier was starting to wreak havoc on my back!
And, here we are at the end! Hurray we made it -- I love Harrison's happy smiley face! He was ready be done. Madeleine was the complete opposite, she loved being lost in the maze! And, she kept trying to read the map & convince us that she knew exactly where we were. After the maze we checked out the Cave Springs firetrucks that were there. The firemen were so nice & had it set up so the kids could try on their uniforms and hats. They could climb all over the truck and even honk the horn. Madeleine was all over this! She had such fun trying it all out, while Harrison was a bit more shy.

Our final stop was the cow train. This was so stinkin' cute! They were excited to ride it & after waiting in line it was finally our turn! Harrison got a little unsure at the last minute, so Matt rode with him & I'm pretty sure that Matt's knees will never be the same! :) They were quite a sight riding, or rather bumping, along. Madeleine thought this was pretty fun, too.

Such a perfect, fun Saturday morning! I'm sure we'll be going back next year to get lost in the maze again.

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