Sunday, October 24, 2010

Inside Out Day

This past week my sweet Charlotte turned 9 months old! It's amazing how fast the past 3/4 of a year has gone! It seemed like those 9 months of carrying her dragged on and on waiting for her to arrive (and not knowing then that we were having a GIRL!) but the past 9 months of knowing her have gone so very quickly!

To say this month has been a big one for her would be an understatement. First of all, she's now mobile! She's crawling and can reach what she wants most of the time. Although she can crawl up on all 4s, she generally prefers to just scoot on her belly to reach what she wants. She's also learned to get herself up into a sitting position from being on her tummy & get to her tummy from a sitting position without just falling over. Yay!

This month miss Charlotte has also found her voice. And, by that I mean, she's found a bit of a temper & now most definitely has a preference about where & what she's doing. She will scream loudly if a toy is taken from her (or my car keys, a shoe she's chewing on, etc.). She'll also scream if she wants out of her carseat, high chair, or in my arms. :) I'll admit I'm ready for this phase to pass. That screaming isn't quite music to my ears.
But, thankfully, most of the time she's still that happy baby that she's always been. She's still a great sleeper & I think we've finally found a schedule that works around taking/picking up Madeleine from school! It only took 9 months, but we're there. She usually gets up around 6:30am and eats breakfast with us before Madeleine leaves for school. Then she goes back down for a nap around 9:30 and sleeps 1 1/2 hours before lunch. Then she takes another nap around 3:00 when we get home from picking up Madeleine. It's working out great since it lets me have some special time with the big kids in the afternoons. It just means that most mornings we have to be home for her to nap and that's been a big adjustment.
She's still a good eater, although she's not eating as much these days. When we went for her checkup this week, she was 20lbs 2 oz (75%) and 26.5 inches (25%). That means that she's only gained 3/4 of a pound in 2 months. That's a HUGE change for this girl & she dropped from the 90% to the 75% in weight. Dr. D seemed to think that we'll start seeing her get longer, but her weight will most likely slow down as she gets more mobile. She's started not taking as much bottle at her nighttime feed & Friday night she skipped it completely.
I've also started giving her a bit of table food. She's had peas & carrots & yogurt. She still loves her puffs and has discovered Baby MumMums! She drinks water from a sippy (with a little help).
Bathtime is one of her favorite times of the day! I usually put her in and get her clean & then Madeleine and Harrison crash her bath & they all splash in there together! I love that time everyday and I love how sweet they are with her.
This month has been such fun! I can't wait to see what the next month holds for her. I'm hoping that she'll hold off on walking, since she's pretty content to sit and play and crawl to things close to her. Having her crawl is keeping me busy enough. :)

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

Charlotte will always be the picture of pure happiness in my eyes. I can hardly believe you with that screaming business. ;)