Sunday, May 15, 2011

Harrison, Lately

Harrison is changing so much lately. There is so much that I want to remember about him right now. I wish I could just stop time and freeze him at this age! But, at the same time, I can't wait to see him grow and find out just what he's going to do next!
*When I tell him to stop growing he replies: "I have to grow up so I can be a daddy. Then I can go to work with Daddy." We're working on a way to get him to go with Matt to work one day soon!

*Sometimes he just throws out a random fact. When I ask where he learned it, he tells me, "I just know everything. Just like Uncle Stewart."

*He tell me that he loves me "like cats love mice." :)

*When I kiss him lately he's started wiping off my kisses. *sniff, sniff* I asked him why he wipes off my kisses and he told me that he can wipe them off "because they're in my heart now." I tear up every time he says that it's just so sweet and from his heart.

*He has a memory that makes even me jealous. He never forgets anything. Sometimes he'll mention something that happened even a couple of years ago that I'd forgotten about. That memory will serve him well as he grows.

*He has the most sensitive little heart. He gets MAD when he's embarrassed, which we're working on. But, if I fuss at him he gets upset and acts MAD, but I can see the little tears in his eyes. It breaks my heart. We pretty much never spank him because he's already so hard on himself. I love his sweet spirit.

*He still loves Grandad. He tells me that they are "buddies" and when Grandad's around Harrison is practically glued to him.

*He ends each prayer he says with "And I love you God."

There is so much more I could write about my favorite little boy...he starts the day by jumping out of bed and running to play....he's learned to play on the computer by himself....he loves his sandbox....he's decided he's not going to go to kindergarten ever....he'll only drink chocolate milk....he loves to go to Walmart & Target....he talks nonstop....he's discovered ketchup sandwiches are yummy (to him)....

That boy, how I love him.


~aj~ said...

Harrison is such a hoot! I love his sweet and funny personality. When we get together next time, I think we could put him and Drew in the tub for an hour and we'd get a chance to actually talk!

Anonymous said...

I would just like to add that Uncle Stewart does NOT know everything!!
