Sunday, August 7, 2011

July Wrap Up

Our July was busy with celebrating Madeleine's birthday and 2 unplanned, last minute trips. But, mostly we had fun just the 5 of us being together and soaking up lots of family time! As usual, I have quite a few random pictures that aren't enough to blog about alone, but I wanted to remember them.

Rather than celebrate Matt's new job with dinner out which has become a lot of work these days, we opted instead for pizza from our favorite place and homemade ice cream sundaes. :) Charlotte was pretty excited about the pizza and just couldn't seem to get enough. It's rare for her to get to eat it and she certainly got her fill.

We've spend many mornings just chilling around the house to keep out of this heat.

Somewhere in all that inside time, Charlotte discovered how to climb into the playroom bins. She actually prefers the Cars Bin and will search it out and sit on all of Harrison's cars, which doesn't make him any too happy!

Often in the afternoon, the big kids will watch a movie while Charlotte naps. They get their snacks and we make them all cozy and they're pretty happy. :)

We've also been making a weekly visit to the splashpark. It's been a favorite place this summer and a good change from the pool. We've been with friends and by ourselves and I'll be sad when summer ends and it closes for the year. Such fun there!

I love this picture of Harrison trying to coax Charlotte into the sprinklers. He's become a lot more interested in her over the summer and I have a feeling they'll play together a lot this fall. At least, I hope they will!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

I want to come snuggle in that little pallet next to your bed. Looks like the perfect way to spend an afternoon!