Friday, September 28, 2012

Soccer 2012

This year it's Harrison's turn to try out a sport. He decided this summer that he wanted to play soccer and we signed up for both the fall and spring seasons. He has such a great coach this year and a great little team. It's been the perfect first experience for him. Fayetteville actually has such a huge soccer league for 5/6 boys that it has made 2 leagues -- and as it would happen one of Harrison best friends from school is in the same league and so our team plays them and they practice right next to each other. :)
Matt and I have been dividing and conquering on Saturday mornings. It's crazy out there so one of us takes Harrison so he gets some good attention and the other one keeps the girls. There have been times we've all gone because we do want to teach them the importance of cheering on each other. And, this week we decided that we are going to skip Tuesday night practices most weeks. It's just been too much for Harrison to be gone from 5-7 on Tuesday nights and then again for church on Wednesday nights. So we made the decision that church is the most important thing -- and while we don't like skipping practices and we want to promote the importance of team/teamwork -- we ultimately want to teach our kids that God comes first always.
Matt took Harrison to his game last Saturday and they played his buddy Owen's team -- Matt said the two of them talked almost the entire game, oblivious to what all was going on around them. :) I'm so so thankful that Harrison is making such good friends at school this year.
I took most of these pictures a couple of weeks ago at their first "real" game. 

 And, one of Miss Charlotte practicing her soccer skills. :)

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