Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fun Morning -- NOT!!

This has been a very eventful morning at the Wilson house. Things started out as usual: Madeleine got up first and started eating her breakfast. I heard Harrison fussing to get out of his crib, and went to get him. I picked him up and headed for the kitchen, noticing on the way that he felt a bit wet on his behind; however, he often drools in bed then sits in it, so this wasn't too unusual. I fed him breakfast in his chair and he started fussing as soon as he finished. I thought I smelled something, so I picked him up to change him. As I held him on my hip (I'm fully dressed & ready since Madeleine has preschool) I realized that he felt really REALLY wet and smelled really REALLY bad! (All you moms know what's coming!) Yes, Harrison definitely has a lovely stomach bug and it was all over me too. EWWWWWW. So, after changing him, then me, we were ready to take Madeleine to preschool. We made it home before he had to be changed again. Then, when I went to pick up Madeleine her teacher told me that she had had an accident. She was waiting for another child to go and just couldn't hold it. I'm still in shock! She's been potty trained for over 9 months and has yet to have an accident while awake. :( And she's only had 2 at night. That's an amazing record, I think. So, obviously, the teacher said she was pretty upset and embarrassed and wouldn't participate in anything else the rest of the morning. Whew. So, it's only lunchtime and Harrison's been through 4 outfits and Madeleine's been through 2. Needless to say, I'm doing laundry as we speak!!!

On a better note, Madeleine's found religion lately! She's started "reading" her Bible all the time. It goes everywhere with us and I have to stop several times a day and read it to her. I'm actually very impressed with this -- at least we're teaching her something. I've been reading Jn. 3:16 to her each morning and she's pretty much got it memorized. :) Hearing her talk about Jesus and God is so precious to me. They are so real to her, although we've got a ways to go on teaching her. Last week, after getting her ready for school, she wanted to sit on her bed and read her Bible while I got Harrison dressed. I told her I'd be right back and her reply was, "Okay, Mommy. I'm just going to sit her and wait until Jesus comes in His car." So cute! It was all I could do not to laugh out loud! :) She's also started telling me that she's not afraid of ______(fill in with whatever is scaring her at the time) because "Jesus is with me wherever I go." And, then she really isn't scared. This has been particularly helpful at preschool, since she was still a little upset when I was dropping her off. Not anymore!!!!

Okay, well, this has been a little bit rambling, but just wanted to post the latest on the Wilsons!
Reading her Bible

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