Monday, March 21, 2011

Mr. Sandman

Now that warmer weather is here, Harrison has been back enjoying his sandbox. We spend a good part of the day out back with him playing in the sand. :) And the house is once again filled with the sinks, tub, floors. And it will be until winter comes again. Oh how that boy loves sand!

His mission on this particular day? To build a castle for Mini-Buzz, complete with a bridge and moat.

I love that he's out there in just his shirt & slippers. Apparently pants aren't necessary for sand play.
I usually bring Charlotte out with us, but this morning left her playing happily just inside where I could keep an eye on her through the window. Once she realized we were outside, she wasn't too happy.
Moments later the wind blew the backdoor open and out she came!

Hurray for Spring!

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