Saturday, March 19, 2011


Charlotte has discovered her love for spagetti! I'd forgotten what a mess it makes!! I've been giving her the little Gerber meals & her favorite is now the spagetti/corn one. She's the first of the kids that actually liked those meals & I'm quite thankful that she does. She still usually eats before the rest of us & it's nice to pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and be ready to go. :)

Spagetti is alway followed by a good ol' bath. She even had it in her ears this particular night. Ha!

I am so thankful that she's still such a good eater & hope this will continue. Her current favorites are: spagetti, mac n' cheese, corn, grapes, peas, apples, oranges and cheese. She's more like Harrison (and me!) in that she prefers salty food to sweet.

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