Monday, March 7, 2011

Toothless Wonder

Awhile back Madeleine lost her first tooth. It had been loose for weeks and it was just hanging in there by a little tiny piece. She wouldn't let anyone touch it or wiggle it, and we were afraid it was going to come out in her sleep. So, one night, Matt pulled it while she was sleeping & she never woke up!!! She did wake up the next morning in a panic thinking it had come out during the night & was gone, but we quickly told her that Daddy had pulled it.

The next night she was so excited to go to sleep and see what the tooth fairy would leave her.
We'd bought a special box to put her tooth in...
and she wrote the tooth fairy a note.
The next morning she was excited to find not only $5, but also a note back to her from the Tooth Fairy (after seeing that her cousin Lily got a note, we were hoping we'd get one too!) under her pillow! :)

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