Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving Part 2 -- The Not-So-Fun Part

We'd hardly pulled out of LR, when Charlotte started complaining of a stomach ache. We thought she'd probably just eaten too much and jumped around too much, and weren't too worried. Then just before Conway she threw up. Big time. We stopped and cleaned her up and I thankfully had some sheets in the car (new ones, too! ugg).
We got back on the road and made it almost another 20 minutes before she threw up again. I think at this point we knew we were in for a long drive. :( She threw up every 20-30 minutes the entire way home. By the time we reached 540 and the last leg of the trip, we just decided to keep driving and just get home. We were out of towels, sheets, blankets, and nowhere was open since it was Thanksgiving. Poor girl. She was so miserable. She couldn't even get to sleep before she'd throw up again.
We got home and got her bathed and tried to clean up the car. We got Madeleine & Harrison settled in bed and tried to make Charlotte as comfortable as possible. But, she just kept throwing up. We tried to give her 1/2 tsp of gatorade, but that kept coming right up too. She got to the point where she was throwing up stomach bile (gross, I know) over and over. She was asking for drinks but she'd immediately throw up even just one tiny piece of ice.
About 2a.m. she started getting a little lethargic. I know she was so tired. And she hadn't gone to the bathroom since we'd left LR. So, I ended up taking her to the ER. Thankfully we were pretty much the only ones there. We had a wonderful guy nurse who was very good with her. The only other ones there that night was another kid with the same thing as C. Apparently the stomach flu was going around big time! The tried several times to get some Zoloft down her so she wouldn't have to get an IV. It took some trying and letting her throw up more, but finally it too. And, within 30 minutes she was happily drinking some Gatorade. :) 
I'm so thankful that they kept trying and were able to avoid an IV. She was dehydrated and miserable. But, by the time we left, she was keeping fluids down and feeling much better! And, they sent us home with a prescription in case anyone else got it. We got home about 6 and within the hour Madeleine was up with the stomach bug. It was a long day at our house.

Then on Saturday morning, I woke up with it. Matt headed to fill the prescription and by the time he got home, he was on his was down. I called my mom and she headed up to help out. We'd never have made it without her. Matt and I were sick all day Saturday and still not feeling great on Sunday. I'm so thankful she was there to help out so we could rest.

This was quite a bug! It took my mom down when she got home and it was a week before Charlotte and I had our appetites back. Needless to say this will go down as the Thanksgiving we all lost weight!

1 comment:

~aj~ said...

I still get sad when I think about just how sick Charlotte was. So glad all of that is behind you guys now!