Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"Mommy, Look What I Can Do!"

I knew Harrison was going to be a bundle of energy today after sleeping from 7pm to 8am. Yep, that's 13 whole hours.......YIPPEEEEEE! So, after getting him up and changed and setting him down, I headed for the kitchen to fix breakfast. I was talking to him the whole way, "let's get you some cheerios...." He always follows, cause he's a growing, hungry boy! I got to the kitchen and realized he wasn't there. That should have been my first clue. I checked the living room : No Harrison. I checked Madeleine's room: No Harrison. I peeked in his room : No Harrison --- oh, wait -- something moved in the corner of his room. HARRISON WAS SITTING IN HIS CHAIR. And, boy was he PROUD! Yeah, he thought he was big stuff climbing in there by himself! Oh man, now he can climb and my job just got a little bit harder. :) He's even realized he can stand in the chair and reach his shelf, too.

At first, I think he was a little timid.......
but then he was really proud of himself. :)

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