Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Drive-In

Friday night was a first for our family. We went to a drive in movie. A real drive-in! And it looked probably like it looked 30+ years ago. :)

We took the kids, met up with some great friends from church, and had a BLAST! I can say for sure that it will not be the last time our family does this. It's perfect for small kids because they don't have to be super-quiet and super-still. They can get down & walk around. And, it's cheap -- $12 a car to be exact, and you get to bring in your own snacks! :)

We went to see Toy Story 3. A couple of weeks ago, the kids saw Toy Story 1 for the first time & looooved it! Harrison is a wee bit obsessed with Buzz, Woody & friends. We've had to limit the number of times he can watch it in a DAY. Yes, a day. He & Madeleine act out scenes from the movie and Harrison happily traded in his paci (yep, I'm the bad mom that let her 3 year old have a paci!) for a Buzz Lightyear. He's never looked back.

So, to say that we've been looking forward to this night might just be a bit of an understatement.

The one condition to seeing this movie was that the kids must, must, MUST take a nap. Harrison actually asked to take his although it was a little more of a fight with Madeleine. A few hours and some good sleep later, we headed out to meet our friends for a night of fun!
Do you think these kids were happy???

Some of our friends, Matt & AJ, had borrowed her brothers truck & brought a blow up mattress to put in the back for the kids -- such a fun idea! They thought it was so cool!

By the time the movie started, our kiddos wanted to be back in our car, which was fine with me! I loved the chance to snuggle up with my sweeties and watch a movie. They both like it; Madeleine like it more than Harrison. He doesn't usually love a movie the first time. I think he likes knowing what's coming & what to expect. Now that he's seen it & knows what happens, he's been asking a lot to go back.
And, little Charlotte slept happily in her carseat through most of her first movie. :)

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