Monday, July 23, 2012

Poison Ivy Stinks!

We've had quite a week at our house! It started last sunday morning when Madeleine & Harrison both woke up with a rash. While most rashes aren't a big deal, I decided to keep everyone home just to be on the safe side. They both got worse over the next couple of days, but putting benadryl on them seemed to help, so we decided to wait it out and see before going to the doctor. Madeleine's rash was only on her arm and Harrison had a spot on his left shoulder and the middle of his chest. By Tuesday night, Madeleine seemed to be getting better, but Harrison was about the same. It stayed like that until Friday morning. When Harrison took his jammies off that morning he was covered in the rash. So we headed to the doctor that afternoon.

As a side note, Harrison was supposed to be spending that night at his first sleepover with his best friend Drew -- and Adam that he loves as well. :) They had woken up with Titus sick, and as luck would have it had a doctor's appt at the same time as us! I think we caused quite a bit of confusion in there with both of us being Wilsons and both accounts having the same name on them. Ha! And to top that off -- Jim Bob Duggar and 2 of the little girls came in behind them. Our first NWA Duggar sighting! I was a bit giddy.

We got back into the waiting room and the doctor took one look at Harrison and said it was poison ivy. Yikes! She said he was having a really bad reaction to it which isn't surprising since Harrison is so allergic to basically everything outdoors. So, she gave us a prescription for an oral steroid that he gets 2x per day. And, she gave me a prescription for cream for Madeleine's arm too. This turned out to be good because Matt has just in the past 48 hours broken out with it too. Thankfully we found the culprit and he's taken care of it!

I took some pictures of Harrison on Sunday morning. He was still breaking out Saturday night and Madeleine's arm looked so bad that we sayed in again -- not to mention that Matt was breaking out too! I have to admit that I'm starting to go stir crazy from a week of being in, but I didn't want to risk spreading it to anyone. Thankfully, we've had the blow up pool/slide to keep us busy! And, it really didn't bother them too much until this weekend. Poor Harrison has been so itchy and the steroids have made him a very restless sleeper.

At least we now know all about poison ivy and hopefully this is the last time we'll have it!

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