Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Parties Galore

The week before Christmas was packed full for us! The week started with a PTO lunch for all the teachers at the kids school on Monday that I was in charge of planning. So, Monday I dropped Charlotte off at school and headed up to Leverett for the rest of the day. We had such a yummy lunch for them & it turned out really well. I had some good help that day which made all the difference! We did a lunch of sandwiches, tomato basil soup with mozzarella balls and holiday cookies. We decorated the room festive and played some holiday music. It was so worth all the work and worry that I put into it!
Tuesday Charlotte and I made our BIG grocery store run for Christmas! It was nuts! By the time we checked out, the cart was full and we were both carrying items in our hands. :) That afternoon while she napped I made toffee and these cute jars to put it it. We sent these and CFA gift cards to all of their teachers on Wednesday. 
 Wednesday was Charlotte's Christmas program at her school. They sang songs and several of the older classes recited poems. It was PJ day as well, thus, Charlotte is in her jammies. Matt was able to get away at lunch and join us for her program and she was thrilled to see her daddy there! He wasn't sure he'd be able to get away and I hadn't told her he was coming just in case he couldn't. But, that morning she told me that he was coming. And, her excitement when she saw him was precious!

 The ended the party with pizza and cupcakes -- fun!

Thursday was also a big day! We celebrated at Leverett with both Madeleine & Harrison's school parties. Madeleine's party was first. I'm the homeroom mom for her class, so I did most of the planning for this party. We decorated holiday picture frames and then filled them with a picture I'd taken of her class earlier in the week. We also made Santa ornaments and chowed down on some holiday goodies. Charlotte tagged along for this party and did great! All the girls in Madeleine's class love her. :) She thought she was pretty big stuff sitting there with all those big girls, too!
 We cleaned up from Madeleine's party while her class went to lunch, the Charlotte and I headed over to Harrison's party. Thankfully, all I had to do was bring something for this one. They made cute holiday frames too and then sat and ate some fun snacks as well. He sits at a table with all of his best buds and was so excited to just have time to talk to them. Charlotte actually did great during his party even though it was waaaay past naptime. As soon as the party was over I check out both kids and we headed home to start our Christmas vacation!! Woohoo!!

On the was home, Harrison showed me a gift that his friend "L" had given to him. I have to stop and brag on my sweet boy here." L" looooves Harrison. I mean, loves him. He talks to him nonstop all the time, gets in line by him, want Harrison to play with him at recess every day. And, sweet Harrison does play with him and talks to him. He told us on day recently that he'd had a "vacation day" from "L" because "L" was absent that day. We tried to explain that Harrison doesn't have to play with him every day that he can play with his other friends too (although I think they usually play in a group, just that "L" monopolizes Harrison's time). Harrison was quick to tell us that if he doesn't play with "L" he gets sad and Harrison doesn't want to see him cry. How sweet is that? Harrison has the softest heart for a little boy.
 Well, that last day before Christmas break, "L" had brought Harrison a Christmas present. He was the only one that had a gift that day and Harrison's first reaction was worry that he didn't have a gift to give him. We explained to Harrison that he'd been such a good friend to "L" that he wanted to give him a gift. And, he has been a good friend. Perhaps the only real friend this little boy has. It makes me so proud of my little boy that he is willing to put the feelings of others before his own and be a friend to this boy, even when he'd rather be playing with his own friends. He has such little servant heart even at 6.

So, we certainly ended out school year on a high note!

Friday, we stayed home and cleaned house and the kids played. Matt had to work all day and Mimi and Grandad came up that afternoon to do Christmas with us and be here to celebrate Harrison's birthday the next day! The kids were spoiled by them and Madeleine & Harrison both got little hand-held video cameras that they have had such fun with! And, they completely surprised me and Matt with quite a gift of our own!

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